Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 10

mochi is geek. no doubt. he loves watching video games, he loves checking out our computer room, he loves steels, aluminiums.

and women lover as well, just he gets super nice and sweet to girls. woops!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 9

now it's really hard. in the morning, after feeding him and just right before leaving... he started chace me. and wondering where am I going.
oh dear, my heart hurts... we have to go work anyway, during the time he'll be home alone. well, he's cat anyway, will be alright. I know, I know...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 8

definitely, his body is changing now. fur is getting more thicker, bones are more stronger, tummy is more dense. more powerful, more playful.

but still does not understand a lot of things in this world.

the problem is, now he started biting our fingers. well, even during we, human being is deep in sleep. well, I can still handle finger biting. but ... if we tried to ignore him, he attacks me on the face! woops!!

scary cute monsters.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 7

it's been 1 week he came to this home!
omg. this guy is full of energy!

this is from last night... last night, mochi's real brother oliver came over.
we had 'kitten playdate' :) thanks marisa. anyway... marisa's boy, oliver is little bit ahead of developping as kitten... he is bigger, he is more good at expression.
actually, just only 5 days separated from each other, they seems not remembering at all. mochi chased oliver to attack, oliver hissed to mochi... wmm.

ok, kitten playdate did not work for getting mochi tired.

so, i decided bringing him to work ... it's weekend (yeah i am working 6days schedule now), lots of co-worker is bringing their baby, dog... why not?

'hey, your element looks too yellow'

lot's of co-worker give him nice love...

the end of day, he had enough fun and got exhausted. now my sleep is protected!! whooo hooo!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 6

scoop! kitten X founded as guilty!

mochi is defenetly funny kitty. he loves the texture and smell of steels. just hanging out, and snaggling with pipes, weight, steel part of our funitures, even sometimes biting and trying to eat. do you have anemia??? should i get worried?

full brushed out tail! his tail is stiking out from tiny body, as if he's catching some signals from universe... or maybe he is.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 5

He's getting more and more active day by day. Litter box training is having a sign to finish, and he found a lot of 'fun' on our floor.

paper bag. yeah, mochi is being so kitty.

oh no, this gap is too wide. he was crying over there, to asking for help.

his face is already started looks different from Day 1st.
actually he growing up too fast. now weight is 0.5kg... he's gonna be big kitty?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 4

my eyes are so blue.

"am i small? you think? don't underestimate wildness"

fuzz fuzz fuzz


when he plays, just everything goes out of control.
he was hunting straps, and ended up biting his little stinky feet :)


"check it out!" ”来週も、ちぇけらっちょ☆”

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 3

This is day three. he still loves hanging out under the couch, and somehow weight! he must want to be tough guy :)


"this is my favirite spot"

"watch this..."




Monday, April 21, 2008

mochi the kitten

here we are. we, finally got our fluffy baby to join our 2 br apartment - and finally i have got a OK feeling to writting down something to public.

it's pretty much boring to have my life written, if that was based on my super personal life - what did i eat, where did i go, which boys i had hangout with - who cares!

oh well, sure, still pet blog is categorized 'personal', but there are nice reward... p-i-c-t-u-r-e-s. yes. i have 'cat blog addiction'.

this is the blog for who have same addicition, like:

- has at least one cat blog RSS feed
- has enjoyed kitten videos on youtube
- has any cat book (lol cat or bad cat or hacchanchi or whatever) on bookshelf

have fun!
